Ryan Murphy dropped a teaser for a new series titled Grotesquerie in an Instagram post (see it below) on Friday. According to the post, it will star Niecy Nash-Betts — who has worked with Murphy sever...
今年斩获8项艾美奖的大热美剧《大小谎言》正式续订第二季,妮可·基德曼、瑞希·威瑟斯彭确认回归主演并担任执行制片,David E. Kelley也将继续担任创作人和编剧,同样是7集。谢琳·伍德蕾、劳拉·邓恩、佐伊·克拉韦茨、亚当·斯科特等主演也有望回归,让-马克·瓦雷不再担任导演,奥斯卡得主安德里亚·阿诺德(《美国甜心》《鱼缸》)接手执导。 第二季将会更加深入挖掘这些角色的故事,探索恶意的谎言...
Ryan Murphy dropped a teaser for a new series titled Grotesquerie in an Instagram post (see it below) on Friday. According to the post, it will star Niecy Nash-Betts — who has worked with Murphy sev...
杜威•费恩(Jack Black 杰克•布莱克 饰)是一名已过而立之年,却仍在为理想打拼的摇滚音乐人。他不屑于那种粗制滥造、充满向商业谄媚味道的虚伪乐曲,一心追逐真情实感的纯粹摇滚乐。为此,他和无数支乐队分道扬镳,至今事业无成,还面临被房东赶出去的窘境。 杜威的男房东兼老友内德•斯尼勃利(Mike White 麦克•怀特 饰)此前曾是狂热躁动的死亡摇滚乐手,如今摇身一变成为了居家好男人以及代课老...
Approaching the end of his twenties and his relative youth, a man decides to quit his cushy desk job and 'embrace life' - only to realize he has no idea what to do with this newfound freedom....