After breaking out of his confinement, Charlie cuts the ship's power once again and embarks on a murderous rampage. As Olivia finds herself one step closer to Rachel, Gl...
Six months after the flooding of the valley much of the town's population have been evacuated, though some remain hoping to find loved ones taken by The Horde. An expert, Richard Berg, arrives taske...
《我是你的眼》改编自法国畅销小说《点字之心》,备受瞩目的法国古典音乐美少女亚莉克·丝薇洛特跨界领衔,以自身经验完美诠释主人翁的精湛琴艺,以及备受瞩目的法国超萌新星尚史丹杜巴克(Jean-Stan Du Pac),并集结法国凯萨奖男星帕斯卡艾勒柏(Pascal Elbe)《夏日时光》男星查尔斯贝林(Charles Berling)等实力派演员,是继《贝利叶一家》后,法国影坛2017年最新的感人力作。...