Director John Raftopoulos co-wrote the screenplay with Dave Paterson (2067) based on the true love story between himself and his current wife. Take My Hand follows vibrant young Australian woman La...
When a prominent lesbian couple adopts a child diagnosed with a genetic predisposition for violence, they must contend with their hard-lined stance on acceptance while attempting to raise the perfect ...
莎拉(莎拉·伯格 Sarah Bolger 饰)的丈夫死了,留下了一儿一女需要莎拉拉扯长大,忍着巨大的悲痛和沉重的经济压力,莎拉只有苦苦支撑,更糟的是,儿子成为了父亲死亡的目击者,巨大的打击让他就此失声,这对于莎拉来说无异于是雪上加霜。 铁托(安德鲁·辛普森 Andrew Simpson 饰)是当地的地头蛇,他看莎拉一人无依无靠,便使用威逼利诱之术,强迫莎拉帮助他藏匿毒品。哪知道一次意外中,莎拉...