马克(艾瑞克•巴纳 Eric Bana 饰)绝对可以称为世界上最怪的怪胎之一,因为他自小的理想就是成为一名街知巷闻的罪犯,他特别向往那些头上顶着高额花红的通缉犯,认为这才是英雄。于是,16岁的马克为了拯救自己入狱的好友,竟去挟持了当地法官!当然,他也入狱了。入狱后的马克绝不安分,他为了令自己名扬四方,袭击狱中恶霸、恶事做尽;刑满获释后的他继续横冲直撞,不为利,只为名。马克的精神已经开始出现错了,现...
A Coming of Rage story coming to Netflix in 2022.
Three twenty somethings were turned into monsters by evil scientists against their will. Now they’re on the hunt for the mad-man responsible in hop...
The members of a ship's all female crew are forced to fight for their lives against an unknown enemy while stranded in the middle of a qiwan.cc massive storm 600 miles from shore....