The series is a mysterious crime series with a horror twist and is based on the international bestseller by Bavo Dhooge. Styx is a corrupt policeman whose body washes up on the beach. He opens his eye...
17岁的少女贝卡(珍·普罗斯克 Jenn Proske 饰)随着父亲来到了一个无论怎么看都十分诡异的小镇上学,在这里,她和儿时的玩伴雅各布(克里斯·里吉 Chris Riggi 饰)重逢了,这个进入青春期的大男孩处处透露出一股奇怪的气息。在学校,打扮老土的她成为了同学们欺负的对象。这时,面色苍白瞳孔金黄的大帅哥爱德华(马特·兰特尔 Matt Lanter 饰)出现在了她的面前,两人一见钟情眉来眼去...
Two-part documentary which deals with two of the deepest questions there are - what is everything, and what is nothing?
In two epic, surreal and mind-expanding films, Professor Jim Al-Khalili searc...
Factual entertainment series following the eccentric and aristocratic Fulford family at home on their 800-year-old country estate, as the children grapple with coming-of-age....
After a booking mistake, four drag queens find themselves performing for a mostly unwelcoming crowd, but when vampires attack, the crowd looks to the queens to save the day....
After a short split prologue showing riches as the root of evil in ancient and modern times, the film settles into 1914 France, where the Orient Express is about to be wrecked when a bridge washes o...