Based on the book by the same name, the film tells the inspiring story of a 12-year-old boy, who, separated from his family by a fast moving storm, must fight to stay alive during his nine-day adventu...
Based on the book by the same name, the film tells the inspiring story of a 12-year-old boy, who, separated from his family by a fast moving storm, must fight to stay alive during his nine-day adven...
顶着“最差教练”头衔的兰博•菲尔斯(大卫•科恩查内 David Koechner 饰)在多个体育项目上都留下了一系列失败记录,如今靠给马授精过活的兰博在昔日弟子的帮助下又得到了一份工作:执教一支大学橄榄球队。兰博很快进入状态,召来了一批特色球员:诸如因心理障碍拿不稳球的四分卫、担任发球手的印度女孩、他眼里的希望之星等人,与原有的队员——正和他女儿打的火热的明星球员、懦弱的胖子等组成了“卷土重来”队...