Factual entertainment series following the eccentric and aristocratic Fulford family at home on their 800-year-old country estate, as the children grapple with coming-of-age....
随着大战的开始,比利和杰克凯利与表弟帕迪一起签约并被运往欧洲服役。比利,一位著名的射手,被挑选出来领导一支非常成功的狙击队。记者 Keith Murdoch 隶属于 Billy 小组,负责前线的新闻报道。随着默多克的精彩报道,比利和男孩们成为了著名的战争英雄。随着战争的拖延,加里波利的失败导致法国更多的死亡和屠杀。比利的狙击能力和格斗的勇气令他的战友震惊,他被授予荣誉军团勋章。回到家后,比利的父母...
A comic celebration of dreamers and their dreams, LIVING IN OBLIVION is the second film written and directed by Tom DiCillo. With a tone that teeters somewhere between Kafka and the Marx Brothers, it ...