The best part of any marriage is consummating it. However after 3 months of a sexless marriage Dan, in a moment of weakness, finds himself in the throws of casual sex with another woman. Dan decides...
The series is a mysterious crime series with a horror twist and is based on the international bestseller by Bavo Dhooge. Styx is a corrupt policeman whose body washes up on the beach. He opens his eye...
17岁的少女贝卡(珍·普罗斯克 Jenn Proske 饰)随着父亲来到了一个无论怎么看都十分诡异的小镇上学,在这里,她和儿时的玩伴雅各布(克里斯·里吉 Chris Riggi 饰)重逢了,这个进入青春期的大男孩处处透露出一股奇怪的气息。在学校,打扮老土的她成为了同学们欺负的对象。这时,面色苍白瞳孔金黄的大帅哥爱德华(马特·兰特尔 Matt Lanter 饰)出现在了她的面前,两人一见钟情眉来眼去...