four friends who partake in a popular Los Angeles escape room, owned by Brice (Ulrich), and find themselves stuck with a demonically possessed killer. Sean Young plays the keeper of a box containing...
A couple buy a beautiful home in an upper-class neighbourhood where a murder-suicide occurred. However, when strange events begin to happen, they soon suspect their new neighbour may have played a p...
一宗交通意外,连结两个陌生的人。马克(查克·伯劳姆 Chuck Blaum 饰)在车祸中丧生,一直暗恋他的好友杰夫(亚当·尼尔·史密斯 Adam Neal Smith 饰)因代为回复电邮,认识了马克生前的意大利网友安德烈(亚历山德罗·卡萨 Alessandro Calz a 饰)。安德烈本想取消来德州的计划,但最终被杰夫说服。两个拥有不同人生轨迹的男人,于是带着一点点惆怅和困惑,在阳光如织的德...