A group of mercenaries are hired to overthrow a Neo-Nazi stronghold nestled deep in the heart of Texas only to discover they are protecting nuclear codes that could ignite World War III....
BBC最新高清纪录片,将镜头瞄准我们这颗星球上的植物,由主持人Iain Stewart 教授带领大家走进植物的世界,了解植物的起源及生命机理。这个主持人之前主持过 - 地球的力量, 非常喜欢主持人Iain Stewart 教授,可能就是因为这个带有浓重苏格兰口音的家伙,该系列纪录片知识性很强,而最难能可贵的是,专业乏味的植物学知识在他和BBC主创人员鬼斧神工般的技巧下变得娓娓动听!堪称高清版的 -...
Hector, who met Truquette at the Louvre on July 14, has only one concern since then: seduce this girl. The best way to do so is by taking her to the sea. Pator, his friend, is accompanying him along...