In the 19th century, siblings Abilene and Tod, orphaned on their western farm, become attracted to each other, sexually. The confused Tod fleas to a nearby town where he meets Linda, a local bar gir...
South of Nowhere 是一部美国青少年主题的电视剧,由 Thomas W. Lynch编写。电视剧的主要观众群是青少年。该剧最初于2005年11月4日首播,目前是电视台The N6大连续剧之一。1.2.3季都已播完,第三季分上下两部,也有些人认为第三季的下部 分是第四季。每一季除了电视剧内容,还有和剧情一致的Webisodes在网站上发布。 SoN讲述的是Carlin一家从Ohio...
The story begins when a wife who has been living with her disabled husband steals money from his bank account as she is blinded by greed and desire....
The story begins when a wife who has been living with her disabled husband steals money from his bank account as she is blinded by greed and desire....
乔(大卫·斯佩德 David Spade 饰)是一个众所周知的傻孩子,每天都调皮捣蛋招惹一堆的麻烦,终于有一天,乔的父母忍无可忍,于是决定将乔抛弃在一个陌生的城市之中。遭到抛弃的乔无依无靠,只能够凭借着本能在冰冷的城市中孤独的生存下去,好在他傻人有傻福,不仅顺利的长大了,还给自己找到了一份正儿八经的工作。 填饱了肚子的乔开始思念起自己的父母了,于是,他决定驱车去寻找他们。可是,这么多年的杳无音信,...