It follows Samantha and Clara, two students who are staying behind for the holidays at their boarding school who must survive the night against uninvited visitors....
在《Looking》、《Sex and the City》、《Queer As Folks》等电视片集成为今日同志的潮流经典之前,《Tales Of the City》是一代同志片集的开路先驱。发生在三藩市的故事,发扬了挛直共融的精神,是同志流行文化的重要宝藏。片集改编自著名同志作家 Armistead Maupin 的同名小说,而这出纪录片就将 Armistead Maupin 的生平和创作...
第五季故事时间线跳跃到上一季的五年后,Melinda(詹妮弗·洛芙·休伊特 Jennifer Love Hewitt 饰)和Jim(大卫·康拉德 David Conrad 饰)的儿子Aiden(康勒·吉比斯 Connor Gibbs 饰)已经五岁了。他拥有和Melinda相同的能力,但是要比她强大得多,甚至能够看见或听见Melinda察觉不到的东西。通过Melinda帮助转世是亡魂并非都转世到光明...
Three adorable litters of puppies come of age. The first few months of these Pugs, Mini-Australian Shepherds and Rottweillers' lives will be filled with adventure, including an introduction to the...