A psychological thriller, based on true events that occurred, following two female students to New York. As they arrive at their rental home, 625 River Rd, a chain of mysterious events take place that...
A group of social media experts are hired to help an old family business to strive, by creating compelling stories about an old witch myth. But they soon find themselves stuck on a tiny island in a la...
作为SEVENTEEN在首尔世界杯体育场的首次演唱会而备受期待的 <SEVENTEEN TOUR ‘FOLLOW’ AGAIN TO SEOUL>演出,以及首次公开《MAESTRO》、《Cheers to youth》、《Spell》和《LALALI》等歌曲时的现场火爆反响!这些令人心潮澎湃的瞬间均通过电影摄像机从多角度记录了下来。...